Sunday, March 30, 2025

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March 6, 2009


A couple weeks ago, The Good Man and I took the Fabulous Mom-in-Law out to dinner at a really beautiful San Francisco restaurant (if you know the area, it is located at the Marina, at Fort Mason, right on the water, with stunning views of the Golden Gate.)

As I enjoyed the "wine pairings" with my meal, this meant that it wasn't long before I had to take myself and my walnut sized bladder to the ladies room.

With business complete, I went to flush the toilet and was presented with...a choice.

The top of the toilet had a button that was divided in two. One side said .9 The other side said 1.6

And I thought to this a .9 or 1.6 sized event?

Hell if I know!

Well, TMI and all that, but I determined it was really only a .9 sized event so I pushed that one. Then, when that was done, giddy with all this decision making and wondering how big a 1.6 flush was, I hit the other button.

Then realized that this ingenious toidy is supposed to save water. So what did I do? Gratuitously flushed, that's what I did. And used up 2.5.

Oh the humanity!

As the old saying goes, you can dress me up, but you can't take me out...

(This is not my picture, but it was *exactly* like this)

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
All content of Oh Fair New Mexico by Karen Fayeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.