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November 23, 2009

Join Me at The Center of the Bell Curve

Over the weekend, I was playing a new online jigsaw puzzle game I found. Fun!

At the beginning, you are presented options, Easy, Medium or Hard.

I picked Medium.

When I buy salsa: mild, medium or hot?

I pick medium.

There is a really fabulous coffee place here in the Bay Area where they will add cream and sweeten your beverage to perfection.

When they ask me "how sweet would you like it?"

I reply "medium sweet."

My shoe size, 8½ is neither very large nor very small. It's somewhere in the middle. (and always sold out of the good styles)

My dress size is the same as that of the "Average American Woman"

I have medium brown hair. Neither light brown nor dark brown. Just there in the middle of the brown range (thanks to my hairdresser, it's also more brown than gray).

I live "mid-Peninsula."

We live a middle-income existence.

When they took my blood pressure on Friday, it was average. As was my temperature.

I'm even starting to take a look at being middle aged.

My god, why am I so blastingly AVERAGE?!

I wondered, while I did my medium hard jigsaw puzzle, who picks "hard" on this game, HOT for salsa, really sweet for their coffee and lives on those wispy ends of the bell curve of life?

Probably someone like Richard Branson, eh? Or that Steve Irwin guy before he passed. He probably could solve the "hard" puzzles.

Ah well. Actually, sometimes life's not so bad from the fat part of the Bell Curve.

At least I'm in good company.

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Creative Commons License
All content of Oh Fair New Mexico by Karen Fayeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
