It is day nine of blogdom for me and I'm more than embarrassed to admit I don't have any good ideas for a post today. So I'll post about my lack of post, how's that?
When I set out (just over a week ago) the ideas flowed easily. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm pretty proud about how things are going so far. As I mentioned in the beginning, this blog starts out as a source of good discipline for me as a writer. And today I'm up against one of my demons as a writer. "Eh, I don't have a good idea, so I'll not bother to even write."
This is bad. It victimizes great writers every day.
For the past few years I've participated in National Novel Writing Month, an exercise in which you force yourself to write 50,000 words in thirty days for the sheer challenge of doing so. I've done it twice and won both times. Mainly because I learned this about myself: I work great under a tight deadline. When the race is on and there's "something in it", I'm all over it.
But my momentum tends to lag when there isn't a carrot out there that I'm running toward.
That's the discipline I'm working on. I'm an amateur writer working on growing my chops. I see how far I've come in the almost ten years since I set out to honestly focus on writing, and I can sure see how far I've yet to grow.
They say, "write what you know" and writing about New Mexico fits that bill. So far I'm having a good time with this. I hope over time I can get some eyes here that aren't just family and friends (though I'm incredibly grateful to any family member or friend who is giving me a glance).
I love writing, I really do, and this blog, I've discovered, is actually harder to do than it seems. Not complaining. It was just surprising to me. I have some favorite bloggers that I've read over the years who complain about how much time a blog takes. I always thought, "pish posh, get with the posting!" Now I know better.
I'm having a fun time...despite the ever increasing volume of crickets in the noggin today.
I suppose I could blame the ABQjournal for having a slow Sunday, or New Mexico Magazine for having a slow month (the "home edition" always leaves me cold, I flipped through it in record time today). But that's just all excuses. And the time has come to stop making excuses.
Today, I write. Look at can squeeze a whole post outta nothing to write about!