I loathe days when it's dark at 5:00pm. I'm at work, working away and it's pitch black outside. Wah!
I saw a harbinger of the impending fall in Wednesday's ABQjournal. Evidently the debate is on whether to televise the burning of Zozobra this year. It's scheduled for September 6. Wow. Already?
I've watched Zozobra burn both on TV and in person. I have to say, the impact is FAR greater in person. When you chant "burn, burn, burn" along with thousands of your closest, drunkest friends, you feel a certain tribal kinship that's hard to find in other places. It's joyful and sad and creepy and a passage of time all at once. And then you go to the Fiesta de Santa Fe and drink and eat to forget. But Old Man Gloom stays in your soul.
Info can be found here. In one of those "the more things change…" moments, I realize they are charging admission to the event. I remember when it used to be free. You just rushed the field, beer in hand, and staked your spot. Oh well…….
Jeez, already a few weeks away from Zozobra. The kids go back to school next week. Soon the State Fair will be here. Time, she moves too fast for me….