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January 23, 2008

Not Amused

Ooooh, da Govahnah has done ticked off ABQjournal columnist Jeff Jones!

"Gov Uses 'Endorsement' as Bait" is the article title and refers to an email that went out today.

The Cute Boy™ gets these emails from Bill, so he sent it to me early this morning. It was a funny and *very* Richardson email.

Basically saying, "I endorse no one" followed by "I've got some campaign debts, could you spare some cash?"

I thought it was an odd email. But whooo, Jeff Jones was NOT amused!

Ah Bill. Always working a deal. I'm kind of sad he had to drop out. Would loved to have seen his wheeling and dealing in the long haul.

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All content of Oh Fair New Mexico by Karen Fayeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.