...that today is National Health and Fitness Day?
I didn't either, but it is.
So my own company decided to celebrate by hosting a lunchtime walk along a really pretty bayside trail near our offices.
When I told my favorite coworker about the planned event, he reminded me that employees of our company get *plenty* of exercise jumping to conclusions, walking away from responsibility, and running to line up first for the buffets.
While I couldn't argue his point, I decided to take a walk anyway. Feeling cranky and amped up, a walk seemed like a nice idea.
It was walker's choice, a one mile or two mile jaunt. I went ahead and chose two miles, strapped on my trainers and got to it.
Can't say it was the nicest day for a walk. After being hotter than the hinges of hell for the past several days, the Bay Area Inversion (description here) has kicked in and today we get windy and cold.
Look, while most of my coworkers sat at their desks and ate hearty lunches in the cafeteria, I actually *did* something useful today.
I feel *so* smug too. I even took the company provided shuttle over to the start point in an effort to conserve fuel.
And I recycled the bottle from the water they gave me.
When the walk was done, I ate a salad.
If I keep this up, I'm going to be driving a Prius soon.
Ok, to offset all this goodness I'll have red meat and whiskey for dinner.
That ought to restore balance to the universe.