I'd be happy to stay at home and watch the ball drop in Times Square, but I'm getting the vibe The Cute Boy™ wants to do something more substantial, but not so substantial as to need a black tie.
I'm iffy. The more I'm away from work the more I'm starting to feel like myself. We've had quite the full social calendar all this month and I'm pooped. Here's one of those "opposites attract" aspects of The Cute Boy™ and me. Me being born under the sign of Taurus, I am happy to enjoy a few evenings at home. When not working my tookus off at work, staying at home, reading a book, all of that works fine with some occasional social dates peppered in to keep it fun.
The Cute Boy™ on the other hand, likes to run (Gemini that he is). He's got a lot more friends than I do and likes to make sure each get some time in any given month. He's happiest with a calendar packed full of events.
It's a push-pull dynamic that we usually seem to manage, actually. But right now, I'm getting a bit of my stubborn Taurus the Bull up. I hate to admit it, but I’m burned out from work. Burned out on people. Just teetering on the edge of full flame out and that scares me. The more I get a chance to catch up on my sleep, the more I realize how near the edge I was.
I don't wanna do nuttin'!
That being said...I guess if we can come up with a good idea that is going out but not TOO out...I'm up for it.
And that's what they call compromise. From what I've heard, it's what keeps a relationship going.......

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