You started off swell. The Cute Boy™ and I moved into the same address back in January. Shackin' up was a rip snortin' way to start the year, if I do say so myself. It was a weird, and for me, troubled adjustment period, but adjust we did and soon it was like The Cute Boy™ had always been here. Oh, and the feline too. She's made my one person lonely home a warm happy place full of life. I got both a partner and a pet in one fell swoop. That alone makes 2007 a year to remember.
Middle of the year was ok too. The weather was nice, road trips were had. Work began troubling me in earnest, but I kept going.
In June, my self-published book was FINALLY properly published (after many fits and starts and errors on the publisher's side) and listed on Amazon. It was the accomplishment of a dream. More of the beginning rather than a destination, but a huge step on my path and I remain proud of it. A few people have actually even read it!
August/September was a little tough. Both the girl and The Cute Boy™ were miserable at work and sometimes brought that home, making home not always the happiest place. But we talked, a lot. And talked and I cried sometimes and we talked more and then...
September ended, things changed, as they always will, and improvement was soon to follow. And now there is a lot less sad and a lot more joy in our Casita Bonita. Change, while hard, is often a good and necessary thing.
November brought the annual National Novel Writing Month and despite being *sure* I couldn't do it again this year, that I had nothing left in the well having given it all to my employer, I pulled off a feat even I can't believe. I wrote over 50,000 in just 15 days. My best record thus far (my third go-round). I learned a lot about myself during this NaNo, not the least of which is that I'm a freak who works extraordinarily well under a tight deadline. Now to figure out how to use that to my advantage.
December brought the Crafty Chica, more (enduring) love, and a shared home in which to celebrate the holidays. Friends and family and The Cute Boy™ and the feline and me. And despite my *freaking out*, as I'm wont to do when I'm insecure about my homemaking abilities, the celebrations came off without a hitch. Good eats were had. Good eats, the normalizing factor in all celebrations.
And I end this year as I ended the last, madly in love and optimistic about the year ahead. Maybe even more optimistic about this year than last. There are a couple happy things up ahead, possibly. And having something to look forward to is always a good thing.
Here, officially, my New Year's Resolutions:
1) To finish my NaNo book from 2007. (about 10,000-15,000 words to go)
2) To finish my NaNo book from 2008. (about 20,000-30,000 words to go). And once finished, edit, edit, edit....and consider self-publishing this one. It may be the best thing I've written so far.
3) Work with my in-home PR and marketing expert on doing something with my self-published books.
4) Take better care of myself physically. Eat a little less, a few more greens and lift a heart rate every once in a while. Doesn't have to be overly taxing, just have to remember that taking care of me is a priority.
5) Take it a little more easy on myself. I've been listening to the song "In the End" from the soundtrack to Shortbus over and over. I find something so heart-tuggingly true in the words.
" your last breath begins, you find your demon's your best friend."
So here at the end of 2007, on the verge of beginning a new year, may I find a way to become friends with my demons now, long before I take my last breath. That, I believe, is the key to my peace.
And so it is.
Joyous New Year to all!

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