The Casa de Karen and The Cute Boy™ is in tumult as we clean and scrub and prepare for guests tomorrow. I'm not much of a hostess with the mostess, so entertaining in my home always makes me a skosh edgy. Plus, among the guests tomorrow is Mother of The Cute Boy™ and in my silly female way, I'm still trying *very* hard to make a good impression on her. She's a wonderful woman, a great cook and raised the man I love, so her opinion matters, you know? I tend to twist myself into a knot about it.
The food is all stocked in the fridge. The feline is unhappy about all the kerfuffle as we sweep and mop and vacuum. She thinks we all should be taking a nap. Have I mentioned that in my next life I want to be my cat? She's got it real good around here.
I think things will all come together. Pretty much when you get good eats and good people together, magic happens. Joyful magic and I could use a bit of that in my life.
Meanwhile, everybody, enjoy your family, friends, homemade family (cuz the one you're related to are intolerable), yourownselves, your pets and your holiday cheer.
And if the going gets tough, spike the egg nog.

Photo by Karen Fayeth