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April 30, 2008

I'm in the wrong profession

David Blaine. Why is this guy news?

And yet he is. His front-page feat was to hold his breath for a real long time. On the Oprah show.


Shoot, I could hold my breath 'til I'm blue in the face and ain't no one paying me a freaking cent.

Oh, but "he's an entertainer". Yeah. I can really crack 'em up around the coffee maker at work, but that isn't bringing me any income.

What do I do all day? I sit in a fish bowl of a veal pen cubicle and type little words on a little machine to appease bitchy clients and suppliers.

I need a change of venue. Or maybe I'm just hungry. It is almost lunchtime afterall.

I'll check back after sustenance. Perhaps my mood will have improved.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
All content of Oh Fair New Mexico by Karen Fayeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.