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July 28, 2010

Word-Reduced Wednesday

A lot of blogs I read have a "Wordless Wednesday" meme where they post an image with no or very few words.

Well, since asking me to use no words is like asking the ocean not to be so darn wet, I think I can only eke my way into a reduced-word situation.

And so...

New Mexico, being of the high desert variety of places, is normally very dry. Humidity levels in the single digits are the norm, and that warm dry air makes me happy.

After all these years living in the Bay Area, you'd think I'd be more accustomed to humidity. I am not.

So I always rather enjoy a trip back to good ol' NM to dry out (and not in that rehab kind of way).

Not this month. Nope. It rained like a sonofagun the whole time I was there. Which, honestly, is good. They need the rain.

However, swamp coolers don't work in the humidity. The evaporative cooling aspect relies on the water evaporating. Which it doesn't when it's humid.


But cloudy skies sure make pretty pictures.

Creative Commons License
Word-Reduced Wednesday and associated images by Karen Fayeth are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
All content of Oh Fair New Mexico by Karen Fayeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.