Today I got to horn in on Mom's day with my partner. He has cool folks so I enjoy borrowing them both. Today they let me come along to Filoli Gardens. It's one of those places where you almost can't take a bad picture.
In his May 11 post Avelino talks about photowalking and the site which I think is pretty cool. Although I guess I didn't know I was "in the know" because this is how I've always made pictures. By walking around and seeing what hits my eyes then trying to make the shot fit what I see. Not always easy, but always fun. Avelino also has a link for the Digital Photography School Forum that lists "assignments" where people post in their work. That has a certain appeal to me too. I find an odd bit of creativity in being given a topic and letting my mind try to fit the bill. I love writing that way, I'll pull a word out of my big bucket of words I've cut from magazines and try to form a story or at least write a poem about the word or cleverly using the word. So I may get in on the photo assignment action...we'll see.
For now, below are some of my faves from today.