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March 24, 2008

Notes from an Eastbound plane

Flying makes me thoughtful. Herewith, my thoughts from some seven hours in the air in which I also lost three time zones.

Oddly, today, this is a New Mexico blog written by a Californian visiting Florida.


Thoughts from the skies:

1) Noise cancelling headphones. Da bomb. How did I ever live without them? Best Christmas gift evar!

2) Traveling to warm vacation spots while Spring Break is in swing means you will be required to endure obnoxious teenagers. A LOT of obnoxious teenagers.

3) Exit row window seat. Yes. Leg room. View. Ability to move. Middle seat empty…even better.

4) Southwest's new boarding process? May as well go back to plastic numbers because that's basically what it is again. 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, blah, blah, blah…been there, done that. Only this time with letters!

5) Breakfast at home…always a good idea. Even more so when flying for the WHOLE day. Even if it is just tomato soup, it's a good idea.

6) Comfy pants = happy traveler. The ones that are like two sizes too big and I just don't care.

7) Pocket full of tissues is a good thing. Especially in allergy season. Those little square napkins that come with your drink don't cut it. It was a last minute thought but proved to be the best decision all day.

8) Who is Southwest kidding with these "100 calorie" snack packs. Give me eight! I don't care, I'm HUNGRY! Turns out tomato soup wasn't enough to last all day. It got me to…oh, San Antonio then I wanted some real eats.

9) Why don't you get the whole can of soda on the plane anymore?

And finally…

10) Just so you know…Ethel Merman has been reincarnated as a toddler. Yes, a solid hour of singing with the pitch and tone of a three year old and the gusto of Ethel herself. At one point the child hit a "Laaaaaaaaaa" and held it there. Which brings us back to #1.

Noise cancelling headphones. *Highly* recommended.

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Creative Commons License
All content of Oh Fair New Mexico by Karen Fayeth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.